Customer Currency Preference

Use the Customer Currency preference to assign a currency code to a customer number or to a customer group. Unlike other preferences, this preference does not include the item or item group, because the currency code must be the same for all items on an order.

This preference overrides the default currency code from the Customer Master by Line of Business table (F03012) in the order header record. However, you must still include the customer currency in the F03012 table. This is because accounts receivable processing does not check preferences. Instead, it uses currency from each order detail line.

The header currency code applies to all detail lines in the order. Therefore, when you rely solely on the Customer Currency preference to set the order's currency code, you can have only one currency code per order.

The Customer Currency preference can be defined for a specific selling branch/plant or for all branch/plants. For example, if the company sells jet fuel to international airlines, the order might be in the euro from a depot in France and British pounds from a depot in the United Kingdom.