
These processing options define the default from and thru status codes, the status code that the system uses to process the order, and the default next status code.

1. Status Code (From) and 2. Status Code (Thru)

Indicate the range of order status codes to display on the Work With Sales Speed Status Update form. You must specify a code from UDC 40/AT that has been set up in the order activity rules based on the order type and the line type that you are using. The combination of the beginning status and the next status must be a valid last status and next status combination in the order activity rules.

3. Based On Status

Specify which status the system uses when filtering the records for display on the form. Values are:

Blank: Use the next status.

1: Use the last status.

4. Default Next Status Code to Update

Enter the default next status that the system uses when updating the order status.

5. Option

For future use. This option is currently not functional. Leave this processing option blank.

6. Order Type

Specify the default order type that is populated in the form during initial entry.