Delivery Date Preference

You can use the Delivery Date preference to have the system calculate the delivery date based on the number of days that the items are in transit to the customer.

A sales order has several dates that the system uses to determine a delivery date:



Order date

The date that you enter the order into the system, or the date to appear on the order.

Requested date

The date the customer requests to receive the order. You can enter a single date for the entire order or several dates for individual detail lines.

Pick date

The date that warehouse personnel picks the items from inventory.

Ship date

The date that you promise to ship the order. You can enter dates for individual detail lines.

Delivery date

The date that you tell the customer that the order is due to arrive.

The system calculates the ship and delivery dates under these circumstances:

  • Preferences are activated.

  • One or more of the Branch/Plant, Route Code, Mode of Transport, Priority Code, and Carrier Number fields match the key fields of the preference.

    Except for the Mode of Transport field, the fields display in the order detail from the Customer Master by Line of Business table (F03012). If they are blank, no match is necessary for the system to calculate dates.

When you set up this preference, you must define:

  • The minimum number of days between order entry and scheduled pick date.

  • The number of days that goods are in transit between ship and delivery.