Forms Used to Enter Sales Orders with Templates for Customer Service Representatives

Form Name

Form ID



Order Header Revisions


Sales Order Processing (G4211), Create Sales Order - Header First

Add sales order header records.

Enter New Order


Click Save and Continue on the Order Header Revisions form.

Sales Order Processing (G4211), Create Sales Order - Detail First

Add or revise sales order header information.

Order Template


Click Save and Continue on the Order Header Revisions form.

Select Templates from the Go To menu and click the Go button on the Order Header Revisions form.

Enter quantities for the items on the template, or select a different template.

Note: You must enable template processing by setting the Order Template Processing field on the P4210 program processing options. The system automatically displays the Order Template form if the customer on the order has a template set on the Billing Information form or if you enter a template name in the Order Template field on the P4210 program processing options.

Work With Available Order Templates


Select Available Template from the Form menu on the Order Template form.

Select an order template.