How the System Uses Basic Preferences

Each preference contains standards header lines. You can use the fields on these lines to define a preference for:

  • A customer.

  • A customer group.

  • An item.

  • An item group.

  • Any combination of customer or customer groups.

  • Any combination of item or item groups.

You must activate preferences before the system can use them. Programs, such as the Sales Order Entry program (P4210), search for applicable preferences that contain information affecting the customer and item combination for each order line.

For sales order entry, the system uses this information to complete parts of the order. The system uses a hierarchy that you define to find the appropriate customer and item preference.

The system runs a set of programs for each preferences that you create. When you enter an order and are using preferences, the system uses the hierarchy that you set up to search preference profiles for information that affects the customer and item combination for each order line. It uses this information to complete parts of the sales order.

Some preferences override default information, while others add more information for use during the stages of the sales order processing cycle. Therefore, some preference information might not be immediately displayed on the sales order.