Percent-To-Fill Value and Related System Actions

If the value in the Percent To Fill field is zero percent, the system performs normal processing. The system performs no checking for the quantity on hand, and regardless of the quantity on hand, it is shipped to fill the order.

If the value in the Percent to Fill field is between 1 and 99 percent, the system requires that any branch must be able to fill the percentage that is specified. If the branch can fulfill the percentage, the quantity available is shipped and the remainder is transferred to the next branch. The system checks each branch to determine if the quantity can be shipped.

If you specify a percent-to-fill value of 100 percent for each of several branch/plants, an order can only be filled from a single branch/plant that has sufficient quantity to fill the order. If no branch/plant has sufficient quantity to fill 100 percent of the order, the order is put on backorder or partially shipped from the first preference branch/plant that it can satisfy.

If the percent to fill value is 100 percent, the system requires that the branch must be able to ship the entire quantity. This prevents shipping from multiple branches, but enables the system to check all branches to determine if the entire quantity can be shipped. If you specify a percent-to-fill value of 100 percent for each of several branch/plants, an order can only be filled from a single branch/plant that has sufficient quantity to fill the order. If no branch/plant has sufficient quantity to fill 100 percent of the order, the order is backordered or partially shipped from the first preference.

This table illustrates an example of an order that is placed for a quantity of 500:

Branch/Plant: quantity available

Percent-to-fill as set up on preference

Minimum order quantity available


Branch/Plant A: 99

50 percent


Do not ship from this branch because the available branch/plant quantity is less than the minimum order quantity.

Branch/Plant B: 400

80 percent


Ship 400 from this branch.

Branch/Plant C: 96

95 percent


Ship 96 from this branch because the available branch/plant quantity is at least 95 percent of the order balance of 100.

The system backorders the remaining quantity of 4 to Branch/Plant B.