Price Group Relationship Generation

After you set up price groups and assign the group names to customers and items, you generate customer and item price group relationships. You generate price group relationships to define the possible combinations of customer and item groups to use for pricing.

You use two batch programs to generate price group relationships:

  • Generate Customer Price Groups (R40932).

  • Generate Item Price Groups (R40931).

These programs generate records in the Item/Customer Group Relationship table (F4093), which contains the allowable combinations for customer or item groups and category codes.

After you generate price group combinations, the system produces a report indicating any errors. A blank report indicates that no errors occurred during the generation process.

If you make changes to the category codes for a price group that has been assigned to a customer or item, you must run the R40932 or R40931 programs to update the price group relationships in the F4093 table.