
These processing options indicate whether the system prints order information for those orders that can be completely filled, orders that are on hold, or components of kits.

1. Total Fill Orders

Specify whether the system prints only the lines that can be totally filled or all lines. Values are:

Blank: Print all lines.

1: Print only the lines that can be totally filled.

2. Print Held Orders

Specify whether the system prints held orders and allows the release of the held orders. Values are:

Blank: Do not print held orders.

1: Print held orders and allow the release of the held orders.

3. Print Kit Component Lines

Specify whether the system prints component lines for kits in backorder release. Values are:

Blank: Do not print kit components.

1: Print kit components in a backorder release.

4. Print Error Messages

Specify whether the system prints error messages on the report. Values are:

Blank: Print all error messages.

1: Do not print error messages.