
Use these processing options to control processing for the Supply/Demand Inquiry program, such as which quantities and document types and which forecast and planning data are included in the inquiry.

1. Deduct Safety Stock From Available Quantity

Specify whether the system displays the safety stock line and decreases the safety stock from the available quantity. Values are:

Blank: Do not deduct safety stock.

1: Deduct safety stock.

2. Receipt Routing Quantities Considered As On Hand

Specify whether the system considers receipt routing quantities as on hand. Values are:

Blank: Do not consider quantities as on hand.

1: Consider quantities as on hand.

Quantity in Transit

Specify whether the system considers the Quantity in Transit part of the on-hand quantity. In a manufacturing environment, sometimes you must establish where stock is to determine whether it is available for immediate use. Values are:

Blank: Display the Quantity in Transit for the appropriate date.

1: Include the Quantity in Transit in the on-hand inventory.

Quantity In Inspection

Specify whether the system considers the Quantity in Inspection part of the on-hand quantity. In a manufacturing environment, sometimes you must establish where stock is to determine whether it is available for immediate use. Values are:

Blank: Display the Quantity in Inspection for the appropriate date.

1: Include the Quantity in Inspection in the on-hand inventory.

User Defined Quantity 1

Specify whether the system considers the User Defined Quantity 1 part of the on-hand quantity. This quantity is defined in the Update Operation 1 field on the Receipt Routing Definition form. In a manufacturing environment, sometimes you must establish where stock is to determine whether it is available for immediate use. Values are:

Blank: Display the User Defined Quantity 1 for the appropriate date.

1: Include the User Defined Quantity 1 in the on-hand inventory.

User Defined Quantity 2

Specify whether the system considers the User Defined Quantity 2 part of the on-hand quantity. This quantity is defined in the Update Operation 2 field on the Receipt Routing Definition form. In a manufacturing environment, sometimes you must establish where stock is to determine whether it is available for immediate use. Values are:

Blank: Display the User Defined Quantity 2 for the appropriate date.

1: Include the User Defined Quantity 2 in the on-hand inventory.

3. Supply/Demand Inclusion Rules

Enter the supply and demand inclusion rules version for the system to use. These rules define the order type, line type, and line status. Inclusion rule version is a UDC (40/RV) that identifies the version to use for processing. Enter an inclusion rule to use as the default value or select it from the Select User Define Code form.

4. Subtract Expired Lot Quantities

Specify whether the system deducts the expired lot quantities from the available quantity. Values are:

Blank: Do not reduce the available quantity.

1: Reduce the available quantity.

This processing option does not work with available to promise lines. If you select value 1 for this processing option, you must set the Available to Promise Line Flag processing option, under the Process 1 tab, to either blank or 2.

5. Enable Engineer to Order (ETO)

Specify whether the system enables ETO functionality. Values are:

Blank: Do not enable ETO functionality.

1: Enable ETO functionality.

6. Include Past Due Supply In Quantity Available

Specify whether past-due quantities are considered while calculating available quantity. Values are:

Blank: Do not include past-due quantities.

1: Include past-due quantities.

7. Rate Based Schedule Type

Enter a code (UDC 31/ST) to specify the rate-based schedule type for the system to display. Rate-based schedule type is a code that identifies the schedule type. Enter the type to use as the default value or select it from the Select User Define Code form. If you leave this processing option blank, the system does not display any rate-based schedules.

8. Include MPS/MRP/DRP Planned Orders (include master production schedule/material requirements planning/distribution requirements planning planned orders)

Specify whether the system displays planned orders from MPS/MRP/DRP generations. Values are:

Blank: Do not display planned orders.

1: Display planned orders.

9. Forecast Types (5 Types Maximum)

Specify which forecast types, up to five, the system includes in the inquiry. If you leave this processing option blank, the system does not include any forecast records. Enter multiple forecasts as follows: To enter 01, 02, and BF, type 0102BF.

10. Days From Today To Include Forecast

Enter the number of days (+ or –) from the system date that the system uses to include forecast records. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the system date.

11. Exclude Bulk Items

Specify whether the system displays bulk stocking type records. Values are:

Blank: Display bulk stocking type records.

1: Do not display bulk stocking type records.

12. Include Past Due Rates as a supply

Specify whether the system considers open quantities from past-due rate schedules as supply. When you enter 1, the system includes past-due rate orders in the display. Values are:

Blank: Do not use open quantities from past-due rate orders as supply.

1: Use open quantities from past due rate orders as a supply.

13. Forecast Start Date

Specify the start date. Values are:

Blank: Use the system date.

1: Use the start date of the current forecast period.

Note: If you enter 1, the Enable Engineer to Order (ETO) processing option must be blank.
14. Lot Hold Codes (up to 5)

Specify the lots to be included in the calculation of on-hand inventory. You can enter a maximum of 5 lot hold codes (41/L). Values are:

Blank: Do not include held lots in calculation of on-hand inventory.

*: Include all held lots in calculation of on-hand inventory.