
These processing options control whether the system runs in proof or final mode, defines the price level that is being changed, prints an exception report, and deletes expired records.

1. Price Level

Specify the new price level to change the sales price level of an item or item group.

2. Branch to Default Price From

Specify the branch/plant from which the system takes the default price.

If the Price Level processing option is 1, enter the branch/plant from which the system retrieves a default price. If the Price Level processing option is 3, enter the branch/plant from which the system retrieves the default price based on the primary location.

Caution: If moving the price level from Level 2 or 3 to Level 1, and the item exists in one or more branch/plants, but not in the branch/plant that is identified in this field, then the system displays the following message in the output file: Branch does not match Processing Opts. If the program is run in final mode, all of the F4106 records are deleted. The program functions by deleting existing base price records and replacing them with new records based on the from branch/plant that is identified in this processing option. If an item does not exist in the from branch/plant, no F4106 records are created for that item.
3. Proof or Final Mode

Specify whether the system runs in proof or final mode. Final mode updates the files. Values are:

Blank: Proof mode.

1: Final mode.

Note: It is strongly recommended that you run this program in proof mode before running it in final mode.
4. Print Exceptions

Specify whether the system prints all records or only the exceptions on the report. Values are:

Blank: Print all items.

1: Print only exceptions.

5. Delete Expired Records

Specify whether the system deletes expired records or keeps them for history purposes. Values are:

Blank: Do not delete expired records.

1: Delete expired records.