
These processing options control whether the Sales Order Entry program:

  • Enables changes to orders that are past a certain point in the process.

  • Activates subsystem processing.

  • Displays the Sales Order Header Revisions form before the Sales Order Detail Revisions form.

  • Prompts you to review order information before the system creates an order.

  • Enables automatic order repricing to recalculate order totals.

  • Activates order template processing based on the sold to or ship to address.

  • Enables orders to be processed against existing agreements, blanket orders, and quote orders.

  • Indicates whether the system applies the specified markup to the unit cost or price.

    • 1. Status Code Limit for Changes

      Enter a value from UDC 00/AT that indicates the status at which you cannot make changes to an order detail line. If you enter an order in a version of the Sales Order Entry program (P4210) in which a defined status code limit exists, you cannot inquire and make changes to the line if the line is past this status.

      If you enter an order in a version of P4210 that does not have a defined status code limit, but inquire on another version in which this processing option is not activated, you can make changes to the order regardless of the status.

      You must specify a status that has been set up in the order activity rules based on the order type and the line type combination.

    • 2. Subsystem Processing

      Specify whether the system activates subsystem processing. Subsystem processing enables you to bypass standard system processing. For example, you can use subsystem processing to print a pick slip or invoice immediately after the order entry process. Values are:

      1: Perform subsystem processing to print pick slips. On the Version tab of the P4210 processing options, you must also specify the corresponding version in the processing option for the Pick Slip Print Subsystem program (R42520).

      2: Perform subsystem processing to print invoices. On the Version tab of the P4210 processing options, you must also specify the corresponding version in the processing option for the Print Invoice program (P42565).

      3: Perform subsystem commitment processing and do not commit inventory until you complete the order. After you accept the order, the system processes the order through the subsystem batch program while you enter another order.

      4: Perform online commitment processing. The system does not process order detail lines asynchronously. After you enter the order, the system processes commitments for the complete order before you can enter another order, which enables you to review commitments online using the Inventory Commitment program (R42997) as the system processes availability for each order detail line in the order.


      Note: This option is no longer used because the store and forward process is no longer supported.
    • 3. Display Header or Detail

      Specify whether the system first displays the Sales Order Header Revisions form or the Sales Order Detail Revisions form when you add an order. You can enter header information before detail information and edit default information that affects the order. Values are:

      Blank: Display the Sales Order Detail Revisions form first. The system creates an order header record based on the branch/plant and customer information that you set up for the sold to and ship to address that is entered in the detail information form. You can access the Sales Order Header Revisions form to override default information, as necessary.

      1: Display the Sales Order Header Revisions form first. You review or override the default order information that the system enters for the sold to and ship to addresses, such as billing instructions, delivery dates, and payment terms.

    • 4. Auto Order Repricing

      Specify whether the system uses auto order repricing to recalculate order totals. The system evaluates the items and quantities and makes adjustments based on the entire order. Values are:

      Blank: Do not use auto-order repricing.

      1: Use auto-order repricing to recalculate order totals. The system uses the version of the Order and Basket Level Pricing program (R42750) that you specify on the Versions tab of the P4210 processing options. If you use JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Advanced Pricing, you must enter a version of the Order and Basket Level Pricing program.

    • 5. Display Before Accept Prompt

      Specify whether the system prompts you to review the order before creating a record in the Sales Order Detail table (F4211). Review is a good way to ensure accuracy when you enter or change orders. Values are:

      Blank: The system does not prompt you to review the order, but creates a record in the F4211 table when you click OK.

      1: The system displays the order, order total, taxes, and applicable discounts for you to review the order before creating a record in the F4211 table. You can return to the Sales Order Detail Revisions form to make changes. The system does not create a record in the F4211 table until you select the option from the Form menu to accept the order.

      Note: The Display Before Accept Prompt process applies only to the Sales Order Entry program (P4210), The Customer Service Representative Sales Order Entry program (P42101) contains an online order summary and does not use the Display Before Accept program (P42232).
    • 6. Order Template Processing

      Specify which template the system uses during order entry. A template contains information about frequently ordered items. You create and assign order templates to speed up the order entry process. Values are:

      Blank: Do not use order template processing.

      1: Display the order template that you have assigned to the sold to address in the Customer Billing Instructions form.

      2: Display the order template that you have assigned to the ship to address in the Customer Billing Instructions form.

      You can set up a customer template based on order history in the Customer Template Rebuild program (R42815), or you can create a template for the customer in the Customer Template Revisions program (P4015). Assign an order template to the sold to address and the ship to address in the Customer Billing Instructions form.

    • 7. Blanket/Quote Order Processing

      Specify whether the system processes sales orders against blanket or quote orders. Use a quote order when a customer requests pricing information but is not ready to commit to a sales order. Use a blanket order when a customer agrees to purchase a quantity of an item over a specified period.

      When you use blanket or quote order processing, the system locates applicable blanket or quote orders from which you can create either multiple sales orders for partial quantities or a single sales order when you release the complete quantity. Values are:

      Blank: Do not use blankets or quote order processing.

      1: Process blanket/quote orders based on the ship to address.

      2: Process blanket/quote orders based on the sold to address.

      3: Process blanket/quote orders based on the sold to address and customer PO.

      4: Process blanket/quote orders based on the ship to address and customer PO.

      5: Process blanket/quote orders based on the deliver to address.

      6: Process blanket/quote orders based on the deliver to address and customer PO.

      You can have multiple blanket or quote orders for the sold to address or the ship to address. After you enter a detail line, the system displays a check mark in the row header and column to indicate that a blanket or quote order exists.

      You can view the blanket or quote order on the Blanket Release form and select the appropriate order from which the system can create a related sales order.

    • 8. Agreement Processing

      Specify whether the system processes sales orders against agreements in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Agreement Management system from Oracle. Values are:

      Blank: Do not use agreement processing.

      1: Search all available agreements and automatically assign the sales order to an agreement.

      2: Search all available agreements and display a check mark in the row header and column to indicate that multiple agreements exist. On the Agreement Selection window, the system displays agreements that meet the criteria.

      3: Search all available agreements and automatically assign the sales order to the agreement with the earliest expiration date.

      When you enter a sales order, the system selects agreements that meet this criteria:

      - The item on the sales order and agreement must be the same.

      - The due to value on the agreement must be P (partner), which indicates that the product is due to the partner for this product and agreement.

      - The sold to or ship to values on the sales order must be the same as the destination on the agreement.

      - The detail branch/plant or its owner on the sales order must be the source on the agreement.

      - The date on the sales order is within the active date range for the agreement.

      - For agreements that have quantity control activated, the quantity on the sales order does not exceed the quantity remaining to be fulfilled before the system selects the agreement.

    • 9. Customer Self-Service Functionality

      Specify whether you are creating an order in standard order entry mode or shopping cart mode. If you select shopping cart mode, you can select items from multiple applications before using the Sales Order Entry program (P4210) to create an order. You can use this feature if you are entering orders in a Customer Self-Service environment. Values are:

      Blank: Do not use shopping cart functionality.

      1: Use shopping cart functionality.

    • 10. Cost or Base Price Markup

      Specify whether the system applies a markup based on cost or price. You use branch sales markups to set up the additional costs that are associated with an interbranch or transfer sales order. The transfer price is the amount for which the supplying branch/plant is selling the item to the receiving branch/plant. Values are:

      Blank: Do not apply an additional cost, but retrieve the cost that is defined in the F4105 table.

      1: Retrieve the markup from the Configurator Branch Markup program (P3403) and recalculate the transfer price with the included markup. This markup is applied to the inventory cost.

      2: Apply the base price that is set by the supplying branch/plant, as defined in the Base Price Revisions table (F4106).

      (Release 9.2 Update) 3: Apply advanced pricing adjustments to the base price that is set by the supplying branch/plant as defined in the Base Price Revisions table (F4106).

      Note: The value 3 is only applicable to intercompany orders.The value 3 is only applicable to adjustments with the following adjustment definition setup in the Price Adjustment Definition program (P4071):
      • Adjustment Level: Line Level Adjustment
      • Adjustment Control Code:
        • Do not Print on Document

          This adjustment control code supports these adjustment options: Sliding Rate, Override Price, Apply Absolute Value.

        • Print on Document

          This adjustment control code supports these adjustment options: Sliding Rate, Override Price, Apply Absolute Value.

        • Accrued to G/L

          This adjustment control code supports the adjustment option, Apply Absolute Value.

        • Rebate

          This adjustment control code supports the adjustment option, Apply Absolute Value.

        • Print on Invoice - Detached

          This adjustment control code supports these adjustment options: Sliding Rate, Override Price, Apply Absolute Value.

      • Level Break Type:
        • Quantity Level Break
        • Weight Level Break
    • 11. Ship and Debit Processing

      Specify whether the system uses subsystem or batch processing for Assign, Recalculate, and Reassign Agreements program (R45100) to identify and adjust ship and debit agreements. Values are:

      Blank: Do not use subsystem or batch processing.

      1: Use subsystem processing.

      2: Use batch processing.

    • 12. Issue Warning for Default Free Good

      Specify whether the system issues a warning when the user selects a good that is, by default, the free good that is being awarded. Values are:

      Blank: Do not issue a warning.

      1: Issue a warning.

    • 13. Adjust Accumulated Values in the Volume Transaction

      Specify whether the system readjusts the accumulated values in the Volume Transaction Summary table (F4078) and the Volume Transaction Detail table (F4079) when you are entering credit orders. Values are:

      Blank: Do not adjust.

      1: Readjust the accumulated values.

    • 14. Prompt for Customer Segment Items

      Specify whether the system displays the Customer Segment Items form. Values are:

      Blank: Do not display the Customer Segment Items form.

      1: Display the Customer Segment Items form.

    • 15. Display Warning/Error for Ascending Date Rule Check

      Specify whether the system issues a warning or an error message when the ascending ship-date rule check fails during sales order entry. Values are:

      Blank: Display a warning.

      1: Display an error message.

      During sales order entry, if a lot and location are specified, the Ascending Ship Date Rule check is performed if the customer or item is defined with an ascending rule.

    • 16. Default Selection for Multiple Blanket Orders

      Specify whether the system manually or automatically releases a selected blanket order if multiple blanket orders are available. Values are:

      Blank: Do not release a blanket order when multiple blanket orders are available. You must manually select and release blanket orders.

      1: Select and release the blanket order with the earliest cancel date. If multiple blanket orders have the same cancel date, the system processes releases based on the earliest requested date.

    • 17. Default Selection for Single Blanket Orders

      Specify whether the system manually or automatically releases a selected blanket order if only one matching blanket order exists. Values are:

      Blank: Release a blanket order.

      1: Do not release a blanket order. You must manually select and release blanket orders.

    • 18. Display Sales Blanket Release window for Kit

      Specify whether the system automatically displays the available blankets for release when adding a kit parent item to the sales order. Values are:

      Blank: Do not display the Blanket Release form.

      1: Display the Blanket Release form when a blanket order for the kit parent item exists.

      Note: The system also uses the settings in the Default Selection for Multiple Blanket Orders and Default Selection for Single Blanket Orders processing options to determine how to process blanket orders for kits parent items.
    • 19. Cost Override for Sales Order created through Blanket/Quote Order Release

      Values are:

      Blank: CSTO is zero

      1: CSTO is one

    • 20. Automatically Populate Scheduled Pick Date (Release 9.2 Update)

      Specify whether the system automatically displays the Scheduled Pick Date from the Supply and Demand program. The system uses the available to promise (ATP) or cumulative available to promise (CATP) quantity from the Supply and Demand Inquiry form (P4021) to populate the Scheduled Pick Date. Values are:

      Blank: Do not populate the Scheduled Pick Date automatically

      1: Populate the Scheduled Pick Date automatically

    • 21. Maximum Number of Days of Supply and Demand (Release 9.2 Update)

      Specify the maximum number of days for which supply and demand data should be considered while calculating the Scheduled Pick Date. The system uses the available to promise (ATP) or cumulative available to promise (CATP) date for Scheduled Pick Date calculation.

      For example, when you enter the value as 60 days, the system scans the Supply and Demand data up to 60 days from today's date to derive the Scheduled Pick Date.

      Values are:

      Blank: 30 days

    • 22. Enable Price Related Fields for Sales Order Generated from a Blanket or Quote Order (Release 9.2 Update)

      Specify whether the system enables the Unit Price-related fields for editing in a sales order generated from a quote order or a blanket order. The system applies the override adjustment if the user override the price for sales order created from quote or blanket.

      Values are:

      Blank: Disable

      Disables the price-related fields for a sales order generated from a blanket or quote order.


      Enables the price-related fields for a sales order generated from a blanket or quote order.

      The fields that are enabled for editing are Unit Price, Extended Unit Price, Foreign Unit Price, Foreign Extended Price, Taxed Unit Price, Taxed Extended Price, Foreign Taxed Unit Price, and Foreign Taxed Extended Price.