Profit Margin

These processing options determine how the system processes profit margin pricing.

1. Enable Gross Profit Margin Pricing

Specify whether to enable the Percent Profit Margin column on the Sales Order Detail Revisions form. Enabling this column enables you to enter the gross profit margin percentage. Values are:

Blank: Do not enable entry of the gross profit margin percentage.

1: Enable entry of the gross profit margin percentage.

2. Adjustment Reason Code for Overrides

Enter a value from UDC 40/AR that identifies the reason that an adjustment was changed. The system updates this value to the gross profit margin price adjustment when the system calculates and updates the price adjustment with the amount that is necessary to achieve the specified profit margin percentage. This calculation occurs when the profit margin percentage has been changed manually in the Sales Order Entry program (P4210).

3. Resolve and Test Target Gross Profit Percentage

Specify whether to generate a warning if the gross profit margin percentage is outside of the range that you specified in the Target Gross Profit Preference processing option. Also, if the gross profit margin percentage is not within the defined margins, and the Line Level Margin Hold Code processing option is set, the system places the order on hold using the line-level margin hold code that you specified in the processing option. Values are:

Blank: Do not generate a warning.

1: Generate a warning.