Releasing Blanket Orders with Taxed Prices

See Tax Price

If you use taxed prices and access the Sales Blanket Order Release program, you can release taxed sales orders. The system retrieves the internal tax date from the original blanket order.

Review the following considerations when releasing a blanket order:

  • If you release a taxed blanket order and generate a sales order, the system displays the value in the Use Taxed Prices check box from the original blanket order on the generated sales order.

  • If you release multiple taxed and non-taxed blanket orders before generating the sales order, then the system retrieves the value in the Use Taxed Prices check box from the first released blanket order and uses this value in the generated sales order. Therefore, if the first released blanket is a taxed order, then the generated sales order is a taxed order. If the first released blanket is a non-taxed order, then the generated sales order is a non-taxed sales order.

  • If the generated sales order uses taxed prices and the selected blanket also uses taxed prices, then the system uses the taxed prices from blanket order in the sales order and selects the taxed price override flag in the Sales Order Detail Tax table (F4211TX).

  • If the generated sales order uses taxed prices and the selected blanket does not use taxed prices, then the system uses the non-taxed prices from the blanket order in the sales order and selects the price override flag in the Sales Order Detail table (F4211). The system calculates taxed prices from the non-taxed blanket prices.

  • If the generated sales order does not use taxed prices and the selected blanket uses taxed prices, then the system uses the non-taxed prices from the blanket order in the sales order and selects the price override flag in the F4211 table.

If you select a blanket order with taxed prices, the system displays the following fields on the Work With Order Blanket Release form:

  • Taxed Unit Price

  • Unit Tax Amount

  • Foreign Taxed Unit Price

  • Foreign Unit Tax Amount

If you select a blanket order with taxed prices, the system displays the following fields on the Blanket Order Revisions form:

  • Use Taxed Prices

  • Taxed Unit Price

  • Unit Tax Amount

If you use taxed prices and access the Sales Blanket Release program (P42216) from the Sales Order Entry programs (P4210 or P42101), review the following considerations:

  • If the sales order uses taxed prices and the selected blanket order also uses taxed prices, then system uses the taxed prices from the blanket order in the sales order and selects the taxed price override flag in the Sales Order Detail Tax table (F4211TX).

  • If the sales order uses taxed prices and the selected blanket order does not use taxed prices, then the system uses the non-taxed prices from blanket order in the sales order and selects the price override flag in the Sales Order Detail table (F4211). The system calculates taxed prices from non-taxed blanket prices.

  • If the sales order does not use taxed prices and the selected blanket order uses taxed prices, then the system ignores the taxed prices from blanket order, uses the non-taxed prices from the blanket order in the sales order, and selects the price override flag in the F4211 table.

In the Sales Blanket Release program, you can specify whether to review taxed or non-taxed blanket orders. If you decide to review taxed blanket orders, the system displays the domestic or foreign fields as read-only on the Blanket Release form:

  • Taxed Unit Price

  • Unit Tax Amount

  • Foreign Taxed Unit Price

  • Foreign Unit Tax Amount

If you use taxed prices and access the Sales Order Line Detail program (P42045) from the Sales Blanket Release program (P42216), the system displays either the domestic or foreign fields on the Sales Order Line Detail form:

  • Taxed Unit Price

  • Taxed Extended Price

  • Foreign Taxed Unit Price

  • Foreign Taxed Extended Price