Releasing Quote Orders

Access the Blanket Order Revisions form.

To release the entire quantity on an order:

  1. Select the row for the quote order to release.

  2. Select Release Full Qty (Quantity) from the Row menu.

To release a partial quantity for an order:

  1. Select the row for the quote order you want to release.

  2. Click Select.

  3. Complete the Release Quantity field on the Blanket Order Revisions form with the quantity to release from the quote order.

After you release the quantity from the quote, you must generate the sales order. To generate the sales order:

  1. Select SO Generation from the Form menu on the Work With Blanket Order Release form.

    The system automatically creates a sales order and displays the order number and document type.

  2. Click the Added Order link to access the new sales order.