Reviewing Standard Price and Availability Information

Access the Work With Price and Availability form.

The system calculates item availability and quantity information based on the options that you select for the branch/plant.

To obtain quantity cost-break information, check the Work With Price and Availability form for a sales order detail line.

You can review standard price adjustment information, such as inventory pricing rules.

Contract Pricing

Click to search for contract prices.

Lvl (level)

Enter an alphanumeric code that determines the sequence in which the system displays the rules within the pricing group. You define levels when you set up the pricing groups.

Up to Qty (up to quantity)

Enter the volume or quantity breaks commonly used in pricing tables. If the quantity on the first level of a rule is 5, then the pricing logic on this level applies only to sales of five or fewer items. If the quantity in the next level is 10, then the pricing logic applies to sales of 6 through 10 items. A value of 99,999,999 indicates all quantities.

Override Unit Price

Enter a price. Any price that you enter here overrides all other rules or prices.


Enter the discount that the system uses when it calculates the price of an item attached to this inventory pricing rule. Discounts can be expressed as multipliers, additional amounts, or deductible amounts. For example, a 10 percent discount would be expressed as 0.90. You can use the same factor for markups over cost. For example, a 10 percent markup would be expressed as 1.10.


Enter a code that indicates whether the factor value is a multiplier (percent) or an additional or deductible cash amount when applied to an order's price.

Contract Flag

Enter a code that indicates a special pricing relationship between the item and one or more of the customers. The inventory pricing rule code for a contract is the item number. Values are:

Blank: No contract.

C: Contract price.

If you indicate that a pricing type is a contract, you must enter the quantity that can be sold at this contract price and the contract number, if one exists.

You must also attach the contract pricing rule to the customer or customer group for the rule to become effective.