Sales Order Information

A sales order includes two types of information:

  • Header information

    This information relates to an entire order. The system maintains this information in the Sales Order Header File table (F4201). The system also retrieves information from the F0101 and F03012 tables to complete the order, and from the F40081 table if the alternate tax rate/area assignment functionality is enabled for the company.

  • Detail information

    This information primarily relates to individual lines and items that are included in a sales order. The system maintains this information in the Sales Order Detail File table (F4211). The system also retrieves information from the F4201, F4101, F41021, and F03012 tables to complete the order, and from the F40081 table if the alternate tax rate/area assignment functionality is enabled for the company.

You can enter header information and detail information separately. You can enter sales orders in two ways, depending on the volume of orders that you process and the amount of header information that you enter:

  • Enter header information first, followed by detail information.

  • Enter detail information and a subset of header information.

    The system then enters the remaining header information based on default values.