Serial Shipping Container Code

Serial Shipping Container Code (SSCC-18) is a unique serial number that is assigned to cartons or shipping containers, including entire truckloads or shipments.

The SSCC is a variable code that can be a hierarchical structure of SCCs and UPCs. The code is a key to a database record. For example, an SSCC can be put on a pallet that has 10 cases of soda and 10 cases of juice.

This example illustrates the structure of an SSCC-18 code:

SSCC-18 code structure

The SSCC-18 code consists of:

  • A single-digit packaging type. This identifier is fixed and has these values:

    • Zero indicates that the shipping container is a case or carton.

    • Code 2 indicates that the shipping container is a pallet (larger than a case).

    • Code 3 indicates that the shipping container is undefined.

    • Code 4 indicates the shipping container that you use internally for intracompany use.

    • Codes 5 though 9 are reserved for future use.

  • A seven-digit company (or manufacturer) ID that is assigned by the UCC or the EAN.

  • A nine-digit serial number that identifies the shipping method that is assigned by the company.

  • A single-digit check character.