Setting Up Sales Groups

Access the Related Salesperson Revisions form.

Sales Code

Enter a code that you use for the salesperson number when more than two salespersons are responsible for an order.

Sales Rep Number (sales representative number)

Enter an address book number for the sales representative.

To create a commission liability for more than two salespersons, you can relate individuals or entities (for royalties) to a single order line. To do so, set up a sales code that represents not one but many salespersons in the related salesperson file. The system inserts this code in the billing instructions record for any customer or during sales order entry to create multiple commission records at the appropriate point in the order processing cycle (one record for each related salesperson). The system enables multiple percentages to a single salesperson.

Rel Sales Rep (related sales representative)

Enter a code to designate whether the system calculates commissions using invoice amount or gross margin.

L/O Code (line/order code)

Enter O to base commissions on order totals or L to base commissions on line amounts.

Related Comm Percent (related commission percent)

Enter the percent of the sale for which a related salesperson is responsible. A related salesperson is any salesperson in a designated (related) sales group.

For a given group, the percent of the sale does not have to equal 100 percent.