Setting Up Soft Coding Templates

To update soft coding templates:

  1. Access the Add Soft Coding Template form.

    Form Name

    Form ID


    Update Soft Coding Template


    Soft Coding Administration menu (GH90906).

    Select Soft Coding Template (P953000).

    On the Work with Soft Coding Templates form, locate and select a soft coding template.

    Select the template name.

  2. On the Update Soft Coding Template form, complete the following field:


    The template value or soft coding value is an XML string. The XML string can contain an element with the following dynamic variables:

    • $e1user

    • $e1environment

    • $e1role

    • $ps_token

During run-time, actual values replace the dynamic variable values. This table lists the soft coding key and the XML string value for each respective soft coding key:

Soft Coding Key

XML String Value



<endpoint>Enter endpoint URL here</endpoint>

<username>Enter user name</username>


<respname>Enter responsibility name</respname>

<respapplname>Enter responsibility application name </respapplname>

<securitygroupname>Enter security group name here </securitygroupname>

<language>Enter language here</language>




<endpoint>Enter endpoint URL here</endpoint>

<username>Enter user name</username>


<respname>Enter responsibility name</respname>

<respapplname>Enter responsibility application name </respapplname>

<securitygroupname>Enter security group name here </securitygroupname>

<language>Enter language here</language>
