Taxed Prices

See Tax Price

If you use taxed prices and access the Ship Confirmation program (P4205) when the processing option is set to enter additional lines, the system displays either the domestic or foreign fields on the Additional Line Items form:

  • Taxed Unit Price

    You can enter a value in this field.

  • Foreign Taxed Unit Price

    You can enter a value in this field.

  • Taxed Extended Price

    You can enter a value in this field.

  • Foreign Taxed Extended Price

    You can enter a value in this field.

  • Unit Tax Amount

    This field is read-only.

  • Foreign Unit Tax Amount

    This field is read-only.

  • Extended Tax Amount

    This field is read-only.

  • Foreign Extended Tax Amount

    This field is read-only.

The system recalculates the extended price, taxed extended price, and extended tax amount if a sales order line is split.