Understanding Backorder Releases

The system can withhold an order or order line from the processing cycle if you do not have the quantity to fill the order or order line. This type of hold is a backorder. When an order or order line is placed on backorder, you must release backorders into the processing cycle when inventory becomes available. When releasing backorders, you can enter a quantity that is greater than the backordered amount.

The system updates the following tables with these amounts:

  • F4201 - Order total.

  • F4211 - Order quantity.

  • F03012 - Customer open order amount.

  • F41021 - Item balance.

If the payment instrument type for the sales order is cash, the system does not update the Customer Master by Line of Business table (F03012).

You can locate backorder information for a specific customer, item, or order before you release a backorder.