Understanding Invoice Cycle Setup

You set up invoice cycles to control how the Cycle Billing program (R49700) calculates scheduled invoice dates. When you set up invoice cycles, you apply different cycle calculation rules and schedules to different customer and item combinations. For example, one customer prefers an invoice after the month for all shipments made during that month, and another customer wants a weekly invoice for specific items.

You set up an invoice cycle calculation rule to define the type of calculation that the system uses to calculate an invoice date. After you set up invoice cycles, you assign the rules to customer and item combinations with the invoice cycle preference. You can later revise scheduled invoice dates, if necessary.

After you confirm orders for delivery, you process them through the R49700 program. The R49700 program calculates scheduled invoice dates based on the invoice cycle preference, invoice cycle calculation rules, and scheduled invoice date ranges. You then run the Print Invoices program (R42565) to create the invoice document that you send to your customer.