Understanding Journal Entry Batch Review and Approval

You can ensure the accuracy of the sales transaction records by reviewing the general entries that the Sales Update program (R42800) creates before you post them to the general ledger.

The R42800 program groups transactions into different types of batches for posting to journals:

  • Customer sales (batch type IB).

    Posts the sales, COGS, and inventory entries to the customer sales journal.

    The system creates batch type IB when the summarization processing option in the R42800 program is set to write general ledger entries in summary or detail.

  • Inventory/COGS (batch type G).

    Posts to the Inventory/COGS Journal.

    The system creates batch type G for inventory and COGS entries when the summarization processing options in the Sales Update program are set to summarize COGS and inventory entries to a separate batch.

You can review the information in each batch at three different levels:

  • General batch review.

    Displays batches by user ID, batch status, batch number, and entry date range.

  • Detailed batch review.

    Displays journal entry header information, such as invoice number, document type, and gross amount for a single batch.

  • Individual journal entries review.

    Displays journal entry detail information, such as the amount charged to a cost of goods sold, inventory, or revenue account.

You use this information to:

  • Review information that is specific to each batch, such as status and date range.

  • Add and make changes to transactions within a batch.

  • Change the status of a batch.