Understanding Online Invoices

You use the Online Invoice Inquiry program (P42230) to review invoice information about an order that has not been invoiced or that has been only partially invoiced. The program displays the same information that appears on a printed invoice.

You can also use the P42230 program to:

  • Review open and closed invoice information.

  • Display the invoice with or without backordered lines.

  • Review information about shipping conditions, discounts, payment terms, and taxes.

  • Review transaction dates of lines within the invoice.

  • Review commission accruals for a sales order.

You can set the processing options for the P42230 program to display backordered items in these ways:

  • Without quantity and extended price information.

  • With quantity information only.

  • With quantity and extended price information.

You can also display tax summary information based on:

  • Tax group - total taxable amount.

  • Tax area - tax rate area, such as a state.

  • Tax authority - tax authority with jurisdiction in the tax area, such as a county or city.

If the order has items that are taxed at different rates, the system calculates the taxes, but displays N/A (not applicable) instead of a tax rate.

Note: You cannot inquire on interbranch or intercompany orders until you have printed invoices for the orders.