Understanding Sales Order Detail Information

After you add header information to a sales order, you add detail information about the items on the order, such as item identifiers, quantities, prices, and costs. You can specify information that prints on the customer's invoice, such as backordered and shipped quantities. You can also add messages to individual detail lines.

Because the system retrieves most of the detail information from other tables, you enter only a minimum of information. Using the data that you enter, the system completes the remaining fields with default information. You can review and change the values as necessary.

You can enter the required customer and order information on either the header or detail information form. You might want to access header information before accessing detail information to review the default values before you enter the order. To locate and review orders, you can directly access the detail information.

Based on the processing option selection, you can enter header information before you enter detail information.

When you enter sales order detail information, the system retrieves default information from various tables, including:

  • Sales Order Header File (F4201).

  • Item Master (F4101).

  • Customer Master by Line of Business (F03012).

  • Item Branch File (F4102).

  • Item Location File (F41021).

  • Item Cost File (F4105).

  • Item Base Price File (F4106).

  • Alternate Tax Rate/Area Definition (F40081), if the alternate tax rate/area assignment functionality is enabled for the company.

The information in the sales order detail is specific to the item and customer combination. Changes in the detail form affect only the order detail line to which you have made the change.

Because the system retrieves most of the information from the sales order header and other tables, you enter only the item number for stock items and the quantity.