Understanding System Setup for Taxed Prices

Before you can use the taxed prices on sales orders, you must set up the system for taxed prices. Complete these setup steps in sequential order:

  • Specify whether the system is set up to use taxed prices for sales orders.

    To do so, access the Branch/Plant Constants program (P41001) and select the Enable Sales Taxed Prices check box on the System Constants form. If you select this constant, then you must also select either the By Sold To or the By Ship To constant. Therefore, when you enter values in the Sold To and Ship To fields on a sales order, the system checks the setting on the System Constants form to determine whether the system is set to use the Sold To or Ship To customer.

    See Tax Price

    Note: If you change the value of the Sales Taxed Prices constant, the system may produce unexpected results during sales order processing.
  • Specify whether the customer is set up to use taxed prices for sales orders.

    To do so, access the Customer Master program (P03013) and select the Use Taxed Prices check box on the Billing Information form. The system displays the Use Taxed Prices check box on the Billing Information form only when you enable taxed prices for sales orders in the system.

    See Taxed Prices