Understanding Taxed Price Updates

If you use taxed prices you can access the Sales Order Batch Tax Update report (R45650) to update newly retrieved and calculated taxed prices and amounts in sales order lines that use taxed prices. Run this report if the internal tax date on a sales order line is not correct or the tax rate for the existing tax date has changed and the sales order must be updated to use the new tax rate.

Review the following considerations when running the Sales Order Batch Tax Update report:

  • The system does not retrieve the base price and apply the pricing adjustments on sales orders again. The system only applies tax to the sales order.

  • If a sales order does not have a taxed price override, then the system retains non-taxed prices and uses those values to calculate tax.

  • If a sales order has a taxed price override, then the system retains taxed prices and uses those values to calculate tax and non-taxed prices.

  • The report displays both old and new unit prices, extended prices, taxed unit prices, taxed extended prices, unit tax amounts and extended tax amounts in the domestic currency. The system does not display foreign amounts.

  • The system updates tax on sales orders that have kit or configurator component lines.

  • The system does not update tax on sales orders that do not use taxed prices, canceled orders, orders that were invoiced and orders on warehouse hold.

If you do not select the Sales Taxed Prices constant, the system displays an error on the report.

See Tax Information