Understanding Volume-Based Upselling

If you want to recommend that customers purchase a larger quantity to receive a lower price, you can specify adjustments and a percentage tolerance that determine when the system issues a notification that an order line qualifies for an upsell notification.

To activate upselling notifications, you must enter a tolerance percentage in the Alert for Volume Based Up-Sell within Tolerance processing option on the Volume UpSell tab in the P4210 program. This tolerance percentage specifies how sensitive the system is when issuing the notification. The system checks for upsell opportunities by increasing the quantity that is ordered on the sales order line by the upsell percentage that you specify, and then determines whether another quantity break is achieved using the increased quantity.

For example, assume an upsell adjustment has a quantity break specified for 10 each (EA) with the tolerance percentage set to 15 percent. If you enter a qualifying order for 9 EA, the system displays the upsell alert because 9 EA increased by 15 percent equals 10.35 EA, which qualifies for the next level break on the adjustment. In this case, if you set the tolerance percentage to 10 percent, the system does not display the upsell alert, because 9 EA increased by 10 percent equals 9.9 EA. In this example, you use this calculation:

(Quantity Ordered × Tolerance percent) + Quantity Ordered

(9 × 15 percent) + 9 = 10.35

The system uses the Price Adjustment Type table (F4071) to process volume-based upselling information.