
Proof or Final Mode

Specify whether the system runs in proof or final mode. You must use the version that is specific to the company's update process, and for any version you must indicate whether the system uses proof or final mode. Values are:

Blank: Run in proof mode

The system generates a report but does not update the respective tables.

1: Run in final mode

The system generates a report and updates the respective tables.

Constraints Flag

Select a constraints flag value from UDC table 42/AC. Values are:

Blank: No Setup

0: Item Not Included in APS

1: Item Included in APS

Display Output

Specify whether the report should display all records, only updated records, or only error records. Values are:

Blank: Display all the records

1: Display only updated records

2: Display only error records

Note: If the R41910 report displays any error, check the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Update Center for details.