Updating Buying Segment Codes

To ensure that you can review the latest information for buying segments, you can run the Update Buying Segment Codes program (R42442), which updates the buying segment code for existing sales orders. Typically, you run this program when you are assigning buying segment codes to the customers or after you have recognized customers' buying structures.

You can run the Update Buying Segment Codes program in proof or final mode. When you run this program in proof mode, the system prints a report that contains updated buying segment information by sales order, but does not update any tables. When you run this program in final mode, the system prints the report and updates these tables:

  • Sales Order Header File (F4201).

    The system updates the matching Sold To customer's buying segment code in each record that is contained in this table.

  • Sales Order Detail File (F4211).

    The system updates the matching Ship To customer's buying segment code in each record that is contained in this table.

  • Sales Order History File (F42119).

    The system updates the matching Ship To customer's buying segment code in each record that is contained in this table.