Updating On-Hand Inventory

You can relieve the on-hand quantity for an item during shipment confirmation or sales update. The method that you select affects when the system writes history files to the Item Ledger File table (F4111). Consider these points when determining which method to use:

  • If you subtract the on-hand quantity from inventory during shipment confirmation, the system creates a record in the Item Ledger table with the sales order as the document number and the order type as the document type.

    During sales update, the system overwrites the record with the invoice number and type, general ledger date, and batch number.

  • If you subtract the on-hand quantity from inventory during sales update, the system writes the invoice number, type, and general ledger date to the F4111 table.

    No record is written during shipment confirmation.

You can also relieve inventory during the manufacturing process when completing configured items before shipment confirmation.

To relieve the on-hand quantity for an item during shipment confirmation, you must add order types to UDC table 40/IU. During sales update, the system overwrites the F4111 table record with the invoice number and type, general ledger date, and batch number.