
Use these processing options to specify the version of each program that the system accesses. If you leave a processing option blank, the system uses version ZJDE0001 of the program.

1. Purchase Order Entry (P4310)

Enter the version of the Purchase Order Entry program (P4310) that the system uses when you access the program from Row and Form menus from the Work With Supply and Demand form.

Versions control how the P4310 program displays information; therefore, you might set the processing options to specific versions to meet the company's needs.

2. Purchase Order Inquiry (P4310)

Enter the version of the Purchase Order Inquiry program (P430301) that the system uses when you access the program from Row and Form menus from the Work With Supply and Demand form.

Versions control how the P430301 program displays information; therefore, you set the processing options to specific versions to meet the company's needs.

3. Sales Order Entry (P4210)

Enter the version of the Sales Order Entry program (P4210) that the system uses when you access the program from Row and Form menus from the Work With Supply and Demand form.

Versions control how the P4210 program displays information; therefore, you set the processing options to specific versions to meet the company's needs.

4. Sales Order Inquiry (P4210)

Enter the version of the Sales Ledger Inquiry program (P42045) that the system uses when you access the program from Row and Form menus from the Work With Supply and Demand form.

Versions control how the P42045 program displays information; therefore, you set the processing options to specific versions to meet the company's needs.

5. Scheduling Work Bench (P31225)

Enter the version of the Scheduling Workbench program (P31225) that the system uses when you access the program from Row and Form menus from the Work With Supply and Demand form.

Versions control how the P31225 program displays information; therefore, you set the processing options to specific versions to meet the company's needs.

6. MPS/MRP/DRP Pegging Inquiry (P3412)

Enter the version of the MPS/MRP/DRP Pegging Inquiry program (P3412) that the system uses when you access the program from Row and Form menus from the Work With Supply and Demand form.

Versions control how the P3412 program displays information; therefore, you set the processing options to specific versions to meet the company's needs.

7. MPS/MRP/DRP Time Series (P3413)

Enter the version of the MPS Time Series program (P3413) that the system uses when you access the program from Row and Form menus from the Work With Supply and Demand form.

Versions control how the P3413 program displays information; therefore, you set the processing options to specific versions to meet the company's needs.

8. MPS/MRP/DRP Msg Detail (P3411)

Enter the version of the MPS/MRP Detail Message Revisions program (P3411) that the system uses when you access the program from Row and Form menus from the Work With Supply and Demand form.

Versions control how the P3411 program displays information; therefore, you set the processing options to specific versions to meet the company's needs.

9. Bill of Material Inquiry (P30200)

Enter the version of the Bill of Material Inquiry program (P30200) that the system uses when you access the program from Row and Form menus from the Work With Supply and Demand form.

Versions control how the P30200 program displays information; therefore, you might set the processing options to specific versions to meet the company's needs.

10. Item Branch (P41026)

Enter the version of the Item Branch program (P41026) that the system uses when you access the program from Row and Form menus on the Work With Supply and Demand form. Versions control how the P41026 program displays information; therefore, you set the processing options to specific versions to meet the company's needs.

11. Mfg WO Processing (P48013) (manufacturing work order processing (P48013))

Enter the version of the Manufacturing Work Order Processing program (P48013) that the system uses when you access the program from Row and Form menus from the Work With Supply and Demand form.

Versions control how the P48013 program displays information; therefore, you set the processing options to specific versions to meet the company's needs.

12. Enter/Change Rate Schedule (P3109)

Enter the version of the Enter/Change Rate Schedule program (P3109) that the system uses when you access the program from Row and Form menus from the Work With Supply and Demand form.

Versions control how the P3109 program displays information; therefore, you set the processing options to specific versions to meet the company's needs.

13. Item Availability (P41202)

Enter the version of the Item Availability program (P41202) that the system uses when you access the program from Row and Form menus from the Work With Supply and Demand form.

Versions control how the P41202 program displays information; therefore, you set the processing options to specific versions to meet the company's needs.