Delivery Options

Delivery operations ensure accurately loaded shipments and loads, ease the transfer of product ownership, and record the transactions that take place throughout the course of a business day.

You can track inventory between the time that a load is confirmed and the time that it is delivered. This is beneficial if you maintain ownership of the product until delivery and must track in-transit inventory in the general ledger. You can use a separate tracking function for shipments with in-transit inventory.

You should be familiar with these terms and concepts that are associated with delivery operations:



Shipment confirmation

Confirming shipments is the process of confirming all of the order lines on a shipment. When you confirm a shipment, you verify that everything that is planned or ordered for a shipment is shipped. If product on the shipment is not included, those lines are not confirmed and are available for a later shipment.

Load confirmation

Confirming loads is similar to confirming shipments, but instead of verifying order lines, you verify each of the different shipments that are assigned to the load. If applicable, you can confirm loads at the compartment level or the order line level.

Delivery confirmation

Confirming deliveries is the process of recording proof of delivery (POD) information for shipments. For loads for which inventory is tracked while in-transit, use delivery confirmation to record the quantity of product that is actually delivered.

Unscheduled deliveries

Unscheduled deliveries is a feature that enables you to record deliveries that were not initiated by sales orders. For example, an unscheduled delivery might be a situation in which product that could not be delivered to a scheduled customer is delivered to a different (unscheduled) customer instead of being returned to the depot or origin. When the vehicle returns, the sales orders are entered into the system.

Load disposition

You record the disposition of a load to indicate what happened to the remaining product that was left on a vehicle after all deliveries have been made. You typically record disposition for loads for which you track in-transit inventory. You record the disposition for:

  • Product returned to inventory.

  • Product left on board to be used in the next load.

  • Product gain or loss, such as damaged goods or miscounted (additional) inventory.

You can print delivery documents to accompany the shipment. Delivery documents record the transfer of ownership of the products to the customer and provide transportation information for various agencies that require documentation. After a shipment or load is approved, you can select and modify the list of documents to be printed. These documents can be preprinted before the shipment or load leaves, or you can specify that the system automatically print documents during confirmation.