
These processing options control how the Work With Loads program processes information.

1. Initial Load Status

Specify the initial status of a load. Values are defined in the Transportation Constants program (P49002) and then stored in UDC 49/SL (Load Status).

2. Pending Load Status

Specify the current load status. Values are defined in the Transportation Constants program (P49002) and stored in UDC 49/SL (Load Status).

3. Protected Load Status

This status is used as the protected status only if this status number is smaller than Approved Load Status in Transportation Constants.

Specify the protected status of the load. Values are defined in the Transportation Constants program (P49002) and stored in UDC 49/SL (Load Status).

4. Override Next Status for shippable lines created by a split. If left blank, the next status of the original line is used.

Specify the override next status for shippable lines that the system created by splitting a shipment. Values are defined in the Transportation Constants program (P49002). If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the original line status from the sales order.

5. Next Status for backordered lines created by a split.

Specify the next status code for backordered lines that the system created by splitting a shipment. The next status code should correspond to the order activity rules for the document type. You specify order activity rules in the Order Activity Rules program (P40204). Values are defined in UDC 40/AT (Activity/Status Codes).

6. Customer Self-Service Mode

Specify whether the system displays forms in customer self-service mode (web mode) or standard mode. If you use customer self-service mode, the system can select items from multiple applications before using the Sales Order Entry program (P4210) to create an order. Values are:

Blank: Standard mode

1: Customer self-service mode

2: Carrier self-service mode