Reviewing Shipment Status

You can review information that is associated with the status of a shipment, such as:

  • Scheduled and actual shipment date and time.

  • Scheduled and actual delivery date and time.

  • Mode.

  • Carrier.

  • Total billable freight charges.

  • Shipment tracking number.

Reviewing shipment status provides information about shipments after they have been confirmed and while they are in transit.

When you set the Customer Self-Service Mode processing option on the Process tab of the Shipment Tracking program (P4947), customers can sign in to customer self-service to review the status of any of their shipments that have been created throughout the system. Reviewing shipment status enables customers to have greater access to shipments and the delivery process through which they travel. By using this program, customers become aware of shipping delays or other possible transportation problems sooner.