Setting Processing Options for Shipment Manifest Print (R49135) and Master Bill of Lading Print (R49137)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.

Enter '1' to Consolidate by Ship To Address

Specify whether you want to consolidate items according to the ship to address that is entered. Values are:

1: Consolidate according to the ship to address.

2: Do not consolidate.

Enter the Global Message to print on each document

Assign a UDC representing a global message that is added to each print message. Examples of text used in messages are engineering specifications, hours of operation during holiday periods, and special delivery instructions.

Print Additional Header Text

Determine whether the system prints additional header text on the report. The additional header text indicates that the document is either an original or a reprint. Values are:

Blank: Do not print additional header text.

1: Print additional header text that indicates that the document is an original.

2: Print additional header text that indicates that the document is a reprint.