Setting Up Load Types

Access the Load Types Revisions form.

Load Type

Enter the code that controls how a load is handled by the load building and confirmation processes. Load types are defined in the load type table.

Dispatch Type

Specify whether this vehicle uses a weight or a volume device to control and measure the loading of product to its compartments. Values are:

V: Indicates that the measurement method is by volume.

W: Indicates that the measurement method is by weight.

T: Indicates that the measurement method is based on the transaction.

S: Indicates that the measurement method is by volume at standard. Used during Bulk Load and Delivery Confirmation or when bulk load and delivery confirmation are performed in one step.

A bulk vehicle can have a V or W dispatch type. A packed vehicle can only have a W dispatch type.

Compartment Level Assignment

Enter 1 in this field to indicate that compartment level assignment is required for the load. A blank indicates that compartment level assignment is not allowed.

Load Confirm Actuals

Leave this field blank to indicate that the load should be confirmed as scheduled. Enter 1 to indicate that bulk items should be load confirmed using actual quantities regardless of tolerance.

Adjust Sales Lines

Specify whether the system adjusts order lines. This field applies only to bulk items and only if the Load Confirm Actuals field is not blank. Values are:

Blank: The system does not adjust order lines at load confirm time when the load is confirming actuals.

1: The order lines are adjusted at load confirm time when actual load quantity is different than scheduled.

Track In-Transit Inventory

Specify whether in-transit inventory is being tracked in advanced transportation. Values are:

0: Do not track in-transit inventory at load confirmation.

1: Track in-transit inventory at load confirmation.

Disposition In-transit Inventory

Enter 1 to indicate that before a load for a vehicle is confirmed, the prior load for that vehicle must be completely deliver confirmed and any product remaining on board the vehicle must be dispositioned.

Leaving this field blank indicates that a load for a vehicle can be load confirmed regardless of whether in-transit inventory for the last load has been dispositioned.

Left-on-Board Disposition Allowed

Enter 1 to indicate that product remaining on board after deliveries are completed can be dispositioned as left on board for use on the next load.

Leaving this field blank indicates that product remaining on board must be returned to inventory, charged to another customer, or recorded as a gain.

Pre-load Quantities Allowed

Enter 1 to indicate that a load can be load confirmed even if the prior load left product on board.

Leaving this field blank indicates that the vehicle must be empty before the load can be confirmed.

Multiple Pickup Allowed

Leave this field blank to indicate that all shipment routing steps on the load must have the same origin. Enter 1 to indicate that multiple pickup points are allowed on the load.