Setting Up Rate Parameters

Access the Rate Parameter Revisions form.

Carrier Number

Specify the carrier that is assigned to complete a shipment or part of a shipment. This could represent a common carrier or a private fleet.

Rate Name

Enter the name of the rate the system uses to define and calculate a freight charge.

Base Charge

Specify the base charge for a rate. The system adds this amount to the calculated charge.

Discount Percent

Enter the percentage by which a rate is discounted.

Currency Code

Enter the code that identifies the currency of a transaction.

Effective Date

Enter the date on which a transaction, contract, obligation, preference, or policy rule becomes effective.

Expired Date

Enter the date on which a transaction, contract, obligation, preference, or policy rule has expired or been completed.

Minimum Charge

Enter the minimum charge for a rate. If the calculated charge is less than the minimum charge, the system uses the minimum charge.

Maximum Charge

Enter the maximum charge for a rate. If the calculated charge is greater than the maximum charge, the system uses the maximum charge.

Minimum Per Package Charge

Enter the minimum charge per package.

Minimum Package Charge Weight

Enter the minimum weight that the system uses to determine a package charge. If the actual weight of a package is less than the minimum package charge weight, the system uses the minimum package charge weight to determine the charge.

Minimum Oversize Charge

Enter the minimum charge for an oversize shipment, box, or container.

Minimum Oversize Charge Weight

Enter the minimum weight that the system uses to determine the charge for an oversize shipment, box, or container. If the actual weight of the oversize shipment, box, or container is less than the minimum oversize charge weight, the system uses the minimum oversize charge weight to determine the charge.

Weight Unit of Measure

Specify the unit of measure that indicates the weight of an individual item. Typical weight units of measure are:

GM: Gram

KG: Kilogram

CW: Hundredweight

TN: Ton

OZ: Ounce

LB: Pound


Enter the length at which a shipment, box, or container is considered oversize.


Enter the width at which a shipment, box, or container is considered oversize.


Enter the height at which a shipment, box, or container is considered oversize.


Enter the girth at which a shipment, box, or container is considered oversize.

Length plus Girth

Enter the length plus girth at which a shipment, box, or container is considered oversize.

Unit of Measure

Enter the width, height, or length unit of measure for a vehicle.