Shipment Consolidation

You can manually consolidate shipment details of sales or credit order lines to new or existing shipments. For example, you can manually select sales or credit orders for shipments with differing dates and times and consolidate them into one shipment. You can consolidate sales and credit order lines under these conditions:

  • The origin and destination information match (Origin, Ship To, and Sold To, and the Shipment Depot values).

  • The Source of Order value is S (sales) or T (credit).

  • The shipment details are not on a previously confirmed shipment.

  • The sales order is not on hold or future committed.

  • The Item Type value matches (Bulk/Packed option).

  • Item compatibility check succeeds.

  • The Shipment Status value is below the processing-option based selection criteria.

  • Order lines with a next status are below the processing-option based selection.

In the Work With Shipments (P4915) processing options, use the Shipment Status for Order Line Selection and Sales Order Next Status for Order Line Selection processing options on the Manual Shipment Consolidation tab to set up the eligibility of existing shipment-detail sales-order lines that are placed on the specified shipment.