Understanding Customer and Item Group Assignment

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne software includes predefined preferences. Before you use preferences, you must configure them for the specific business requirements.

To save time while defining preferences, you can assign a customer or an item to a group. You can then define preferences for a group rather than many times for several customers or items. For example, you can group all customers that use the same payment terms. Then, when you create a payment terms preference, you can define one preference for the group.

You can assign a customer to a customer group for any preference. For example, you can identify some customers as seasonal customers and create specific payment terms for them. The setup is:

  • Set up a SEASON customer group for user-defined code 40/01.

  • Assign all seasonal customers to this group.

  • Create one Payment Terms preference for the seasonal customer group.

You can assign any new seasonal customers to the seasonal customer group. The system automatically applies the Payment Terms preference to all of the new customers' sales orders.

You can assign items to preference groups and define a preference for the entire group with user-defined codes.