Updating Multiple Rates

Select Rate Setup (G49412), Batch Rate Update.

You can update multiple rates at the same time. You can also account for increased costs by adjusting the rate tables accordingly. You can adjust rates by entering an amount, an override amount, or a percentage.

You can use processing options to specify when the updated rates are in effect. Additionally, the system updates the expiration date for the current rates as the day before the new rates take effect. For example, assume that you have a current flat rate for Saturday delivery for carrier A that charges one fee. Carrier A has informed you that the Saturday delivery rate is increasing as of January 1, 2009. When you update the rate, the system changes the expiration date of the current rate to December 31, 2008 and sets the new rate to become effective on January 1, 2009.

The Batch Rate Update program (R4972) updates rates only in the Rate Detail table (F4972). To update rates in routes, use the Batch Routing Rate Update program (R4950).