Carton Detail

You can expand a carton recommendation and revise the details when you set the Version of Carton Reorganization processing option of Standard Pack Carton Recommendations program. For example, suppliers use expendable containers when they run out of returnable containers. Typically the cost is charged to the customer. You can add additional packaging costs to a sales order and override carton detail with the changed information. The container information (including any expendables) must be reported on the ASN.

Carton detail includes information such as the label serial number, shipment number, carton type, standard pack quantity, and sales order lines that form the carton. The detail also describes the relationship between shipping cartons, such as which cartons are on a specific pallet.

After you make changes to carton detail, the system displays the number of cartons that you added at the bottom of the shipment's list of contents.

When you add cartons, the cartons that you add are empty. You must reorganize the other cartons or items within the shipment so that the new cartons have contents. Otherwise, when you confirm the reorganization, the system automatically deletes any empty cartons from the shipment.

When you create carton detail, the system expands the carton recommendation and builds detail records for each carton. The system allocates items to sales order lines and links the data to the transportation tables.