
Select Cartonization.

Tolerance Percent (tolerance percentage)

Enter the minimum percentage of a shipping carton that must be filled before it can be shipped. If the content of the carton does not reach this percentage, the system recommends a smaller carton. The default minimum percentage is 85 percent.

Note: For standard packs the requirement is 100 percent.
Ship Priority

Enter a number that identifies this shipping carton's place in the priority list that the system uses to make carton recommendations. When the system makes a carton recommendation, it uses shipping priority to determine which carton it should select first, second, and third. If you want the system to look from large to small containers (downsizing), you should assign priority 1 to the largest container and priority 2 to the next largest.

Available Container

Select to specify this container is available as a shipping carton for packing picked items. The system uses available containers during carton recommendation.

Shipping Container

Select to use this container as a shipping carton.

Note: A container can be either a Shipping Container or a Tote Container, but not both.
Tote Container

Select to use this container as a non-shippable tote.

Note: A container can be either a Shipping Container or a Tote Container, but not both.

Select if you do not want to use this container as a shipping carton or tote container.