Confirming Shipment

Access the Shipment Confirmation form.

To confirm shipments:

  1. Revise these fields as necessary, and click OK:

    • Quantity Shipped

    • Location

    • Lot/Serial

    • Quantity Backordered

    • Quantity Canceled

    • Carrier Number

    • Actual Ship Date

  2. On Work with Shipment Confirmation, confirm detail lines by choosing:

    • Confirm Shown Rows from the Form menu, to confirm all order detail lines that the system displays according to search criteria.

    • A row and then select Confirm Line from the Row menu, to confirm an order detail line.

  3. On Shipment Confirmation, to select order detail lines for confirmation, enter a value in the Sel = 1 field.

    If you have activated the processing option to automatically select order detail lines, the system automatically selects all detail lines for confirmation.

  4. To change the line default information, select Line Defaults from the Form menu.

  5. On Shipment Confirmation Line Defaults, enter values in these fields and click OK.

    • Container ID

    • Carrier Number

    • Actual Ship Date

    • Actual Ship Time

  6. On Shipment Confirmation, to select alternative locations or assign serial numbers, select the row and then select Select Location from the Row menu.

  7. On Select Multiple Locations, enter values in these fields and click OK:

    • Location

    • Lot/Serial

  8. On Shipment Confirmation, click OK to confirm the selected order detail lines.

    Based on the processing option selection, the system might display the Additional Line Items form.

  9. On Additional Line Items, you can enter additional non-inventory lines and click OK.

    Depending on the processing option selection, the system might display the Pack Confirm Detail Revisions form.

See Working with Standard Pack Carton Recommendations.

See Reorganizing Cartons and Items in a Shipment.