
These processing options enable you to specify the default information that the system displays, such as effective dates.

1. Active

Specify whether the system displays active or inactive rows in the detail area. An active row contains a group of random picking locations to which you want to replenish. An inactive row contains a group of random picking locations to which you do not want to replenish.

Leave blank and the system displays all rows in the detail area.

Enter 1: to display only the active rows in the detail area.

Enter 2: to display only the inactive rows in the detail area.

2. Date - Effective From

Specify the date from which replenishment is effective.

3. Date - Effective Through

Specify the date up to which the replenishment information is effective.

4. Item Quantity Calculation Method

Specify the method that the system uses to calculate the item quantity that is on hand.

Enter 1: to calculate an item's existing quantity by using the level 1 unit of measure.

Enter 2: to calculate an item's existing quantity by using the primary unit of measure.

Enter 3: to calculate an item's existing quantity by using the level 1-5 unit of measure.

5. Order Group

Enter a UDC (46/DT) that identifies the type of group, such as rush orders or special orders. The system uses the code that you specify with the warehouse process group for the item to determine which movement instruction table to use when selecting the From locations for replenishment.