
Use these processing options to select default information.

1. Allow partial quantity Item Moves.

Leave blank and the system assume item moves are for the entire quantity of the item and UOM.

Enter 1: to prompt for a quantity when performing Item Moves.

2. Allow Carton Code changes.

Leave blank and the system does not allow carton code changes.

Enter 1: to allow carton code changes.

3. Error if carton is over weight.

Leave blank and the system issues a warning.

Enter 1: and the system issues a hard error.

4. Allow Add Items to Carton Detail for a shipment.

Allow items to be added to carton detail. The sales order must be updated separately.

Leave blank and the system does not allow addition of items to carton detail.

Enter 1: to allow addition of items to carton detail. The sales order must be updated separately.

5. Allow Remove Items from the Carton Detail for a shipment.

Allow removal of items from carton detail. The sales order must be updated separately.

Leave blank and the system does not allow removal of items from carton detail. The sales order must be updated separately.

Enter 1: to allow removal of items from carton detail. The sales order must be updated separately.