Entering Unusable Label Information

Access the Unusable Label Number Revisions form.

Label Data Identifier

Enter a value that specifies the type of label for the advance ship notice (ASN).

Reason Code

Enter a UDC (46/UL) that explains why a label serial number is unusable.

Container Code

Enter a UDC (46/EQ) that identifies a storage container or a shipping carton. A storage container can be an open container where items are stored on the container (for example, a pallet), or a closed container where items are stored in the container (for example, a box). You use the Container and Carton Codes program (P46091) to define storage containers.

Customer Carton ID

Enter a code that the customer uses to represent a carton in the system.

Container Item Number

Enter a number that the system assigns to an item. It can be in short, long, or third item number format.