Fixed Picking Locations

You set up fixed picking locations to use the same locations consistently for picking a given item. This consistency enables you to segregate picking locations from other locations, or to keep certain items' picking locations near their putaway and replenishment locations. Often, the fixed picking locations are the same as the fixed putaway locations.

You might not want to create replenishment suggestions with a quantity that exceeds the quantity that a location can hold. Before you set up a fixed picking location, verify that the sum of each picking location's normal replenishment quantity and maximum replenishment quantity do not exceed the location's maximum capacity quantity. If they do exceed the location's maximum capacity quantity, the system prints movement documents to replenish a greater quantity than the location can hold because the system does not perform any capacity checking. You might not be able to store all of the items in the picking location.

You must set up fixed picking locations if you intend to use replenishment. Replenishment is the process by which the system refills picking locations in which items are depleted.