Overriding the Unit of Measure Structure

Access the Warehouse Overrides form.

Note: You can only override the UOM if you select LPN Process Off for the Branch Plant.
Level 1 Quantity

Enter the total quantity of the item in the item's level 1 unit of measure. You use the Unit of Measure Conversion Information program (P41002) to define unit of measure levels. When you define a unit of measure structure, define the largest unit of measure as level 1, and the smallest, or primary, unit of measure as the last or lowest level. The system supplies an item's unit of measure structure to a location's detail information (F4602) during inventory movement, but you can override the structure, if necessary

UM 1 (unit of measure level 1)

Enter the item's level 1 unit of measure. You use Unit of Measure Conversion Information (P41002) to define an item's unit of measure structure. You define the largest unit of measure in the structure as the level 1 unit of measure.

The smallest unit of measure, which is also the primary unit of measure, depending if the item is Dual UOM, highest number, is the last or lowest level in the structure.

An example of a unit of measure structure might be:

Level Unit of Measure

1: Pallet

2: Box, where 10 boxes equal 1 pallet.

3: Case, where 5 cases equal 1 box.

4: Interpack, where 8 interpacks equal 1 case.

5: Each, where 10 eaches equal 1 interpack.

In this example, the level 1 unit of measure is a pallet, and the level 5 unit of measure is an each, which is the primary unit of measure for the item in the example.

You can have up to five levels in an item's unit of measure structure.

Container 1

Enter a user-defined code (UDC) (46/EQ) that identifies the storage container for this item in its level 1 unit of measure. A storage container can be:

  • An open container, where items are stored on the container (for example, a pallet)

  • A closed container, where items are stored in the container (for example, a box)

You use the Container Codes program (P46091) to define storage containers. You use the Unit of Measure Definition by Item or Group program (P46011) to assign a storage container to an item in a specific unit of measure.