Pick Suggestion Confirmation

If you agree with the system's suggestions for picking locations, you confirm them interactively or by batch. If you do not agree, you can override the suggestions and specify a location of choice, or you can cancel the existing suggestions and stop further processing.

You must confirm suggestions for picking, packing, and shipping for items and for cartons.

When you confirm suggestions for picking, you:

  • Reduce on-hand inventory in the picking location

  • Relieve the commitment of inventory in the picking location

  • Increase on-hand inventory in the shipping location

  • Commit inventory to the shipping location

Pick confirmation ensures that the system's records match actual inventory movements by creating and updating these files:

  • F41021

  • Item Ledger File (F4111)

  • F4600

  • Warehouse Suggestions (F4611)

  • Warehouse Task Header (F4601)

  • Sales Order Detail File for sales order picking

  • S.O. Detail Ledger File (F42199) for sales order picking

  • WO Parts List File (F3111) for work order picking

  • Pack Confirm File (F4216)

  • Carton Detail File (F4620)

Additionally, if license plates are activated for the branch/plant the system creates or updates records in these files:

  • F4602

  • License Plate Master File (F46L10)

  • License Plate Item Detail File (F46L11)

  • F46L12

  • License Plate History File (F46L99)

If you use pick/pack/ship functionality and you are picking sales orders the system also creates or updates records in these files:

  • F4620

  • Location Capacity (F46L30)

When you are working with pick suggestions for cartons, you can set the Carton Detail Information processing option on the Carton Detail Tab for the system to update the F4620. The F4620 table contains detail information about the contents of a carton and the system updates this table with the most current carton detail information each time you perform pick confirmation for a task (a task is a group of suggestions).

Before you confirm the pick suggestions for cartons, you also can specify the version of the Carton Reorganization program (P4620) to use.

For bulk pick suggestions, you can review the sales order detail lines in the bulk pick suggestion during the confirmation process before you actually confirm the bulk pick suggestion. After you confirm the bulk pick suggestion, you can run Bulk Pick Detail Report (R46210), which lists each sales order detail line from the bulk pick suggestion that you confirmed. Typically, you use the information to assist you in filling each sales order.